As Christians, we need to grow spiritually. We should not stay the same.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is an act of advancement or development in the things of the spirit. Spiritual growth is for a lifetime. In John 4: 24 the Bible says; “God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” Therefore you must desire to grow in the spirit so that you will be able to worship Him in spirit. You have to love the things of the spirit and desire to grow. You cannot remain a kindergarten Christian. God longs for your growth and development in all ways, most especially in the things of the spirit. The Bible says come up higher, that is: move up, grow, develop. Don’t be stagnant. Hence you need spiritual growth.

What are the things of the spirit that you have to develop in? They are worship, praises, prayer, searching and meditating on the scriptures and witnessing to people every day, offering quality worship and praises and spending quality time with God in prayer, and ending it with thanksgiving unto the Lord.

The Bible says in Eph 5:18-19; “But be filled with the spirit. Speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” The Bible further says that any man that meditates on the word of God day and night shall flourish and prosper in whatsoever he does; Psalm 1:2-3. As you do these daily, you will be well established in the things of the spirit and they become your daily routine. As you tithe monetarily in the church you must also try to tithe the twenty-four hours given to you daily just to worship, praise, pray, study, and meditate on the word and witness to people. May God help you grow.

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